sâmbătă, 20 iulie 2013

MAYBACH  ZEPELLIN  DS8 Cabrio (1934)

Amercom (Polonia)

      Maybach Zeppelin a fost modelul reprezentativ al companiei Maybach intre 1929 si 1939. Numita dupa faimoasele motoare de ZEPPELIN produse de companie inaintea si in timpul Primului Razboi Mondial,  era o masina de lux enorma, care cantarea aproximativ 3 tone. Alaturi de Voisin si dupa Daimler Double Six, era a doua masina de lux cu motor V12 produsa in Europa.
      Modelul DS8 a aparut in 1930, suplimentand modelul DS7. Era echipat cu un motor de 7977 cmc, V12, care producea  203 CP (149 kW) la o turatie destul de joasa - 3200 rpm, aceasta facand din DS8 una din cele mai puternice masini produse in lume la acel moment. In functie de greutatea avuta la bord, putea ajunge la o viteza de top de 171 km/h.
      Macheta este din Colectia Amercom Polonia. Comparativ cu modelul real, macheta este corect reprodusa, avand destule detalii pentru un model low-cost, avand si destule elemente cromate, interiorul fiind negru.

      The Maybach Zeppelin was the Maybach company's representative  model from 1929 to 1939. Named for the company's famous production of ZEPPELIN engines prior to and during World War I, it was an enormous luxury vehicle which weighed approximately 6600 lb.  Along with the Voisin, and behind the Daimler Double Six, this was Europe's joint second luxury V12 car in production.
      Supplementing the DS7 from 1930 was the DS8. It sported an 8.0 L (7977 cc, 486 cubic inches) V12 which made 200 bhp (149 kW; 203 PS) at a fairly low 3200 rpm, putting the DS8 among the most powerful production cars in the world at the time. Depending on the weight of the coachwork, a top speed of 106 mph (171 km/h) was possible.
      The model is part of the Amercom Collection,  Poland. Compared to the real model, it is correctly reproduced, with enough details for a low-cost model, with plenty of chrome and  the interior is black.
      (Source: Wikipedia).

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