duminică, 21 iulie 2013

MERCEDES  180 D - W120 (1959)

Del Prado

      Mercedes W120 si W121 "Ponton", au fost masini produse intre 1953 si 1962. Ele au fost comercializate cu numele Mercedes 180 respectiv Mercedes 190.
      Modelele 180 s 190, echipate cu motoare in patru cilindri au constituit gama de baza a constructorului in aceasta perioada. Impreuna cu modelul Mercedes 220, mai mare si mai luxos, acestea au constituit 80% din productia Mercedes-Benz intre 1953 si 1959. Modelele 180/190 au fost foarte mult folosite ca masini taxi in Germania.
      In 1960, au fost modificate grila frontala (putin mai lata) si stopurile spate (mai inguste).

      Macheta produsa de Del Prado este lucrata ingrijit, si respecta detaliile de pe masina reala. Culoarea neagra este bine aleasa uniforma si lucioasa. Interiorul este negru, corect redat, oglinda retrovizoare interioara fiind cromata. Sigla este turnata impreuna cu grila frontala, nefiind prea reusita.

      The Mercedes-Benz W120 and W121 "Ponton" cars were produced from 1953 through 1962. They were sold under the "'180" and "190" model names.
      The four-cylinder 180 and 190 were the mainstay of Mercedes' lineup during this period. Together with the more luxurious and somewhat larger 220 they constituted 80% of Mercedes-Benz' production between 1953 and 1959. The 180-190 four-cylinders were widely used as German taxicabs.
      In 1960  a slightly wider grille and slimmer taillights were introduced.
      (Source: Wikipedia)
      The model produced by Del Prado is worked and assembled with care, and follows the details from the real car. The black color is well chosen uniformly applied and shiny. The interior is black, detailed correctly and has chromed interior mirror. The logo is molded together with front grille, not too successfuly.


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