duminică, 21 iulie 2013

MERCEDES  200 D - W110 (1965)

Amercom Polonia - Taksówki Świata
      Modelul Mercedes-Benz W110 "Coada de randunica" a reprezentat segmentul de mijloc al automobilelor in 4 cilindri produse de Mercedes in anii '60. Modelul a fost introdus ca 190c si 190Dc sedan in aprilie 1961, inlocuind modelele W120 - 180c/180Dc si W121 - 190b/190Db.
       Gama W110 a fost revitalizata in iulie 1965, devenind Mercedes-Benz 200 respectiv Mercedes-Benz Diesel 200D (masina anului 1966 in America de Nord).Productia a durat doar 3 ani, dupa care a fost introdusa seria W115 (220 si 220D), in 1968.
      Macheta face parte din Colectia Taxi din Polonia, produsa de Amercom, si reprezinta un taxi din Grecia anului 1965. Destul de limitata, este totusi corect reprodusa, avand si elemente cromate. Farurile si stopurile sunt din plastic (stopurile chiar sunt incadrate de elemente cromate). Are oglinda retrovizoare exterioara "cu sticla" si stergatoare de parbriz din plastic, cromate. Nu are deloc sigla de pe grila frontala, care este la randul ei, slab reprezntata.


      The W110 "Fintail" (German: Heckflosse) was Mercedes-Benz's line of midsize four-cylinder automobiles in the mid-1960s. The line was introduced with the 190c and 190Dc sedan in April, 1961, replacing the W120 180c/180Dc and W121 190b/190Db.
      The W110 line was refreshed in July, 1965 to become the 200 and Diesel 200D (model year 1966 for North America). Production lasted just three more years, with the W115 220 and 220D introduced in 1968.
      The model is part of the Taxi Collection  from Poland, produced by Amercom, and represents a taxi in Greece of 1965. Quite limited, it is still correctly reproduced, with chrome elements and  windshield wipers, from chromed plastic . Headlights and taillights are from plastic (lights are framed by chrome). Has outside mirror "with glass". There is no logo on the front grille, which is itself poorly represented..

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