duminică, 28 iulie 2013

MERCEDES 300SL “Gullwing”  (W198 I) - 1954

IXO/Mercedes Collection

      Mercedes-Benz 300SL a fost primul model din seria de grand-turisme convertibile, si ceam mai rapida masina de productie in serie din era sa. Avand numarul de cod intern W198, a fost introdusa in 1954 ca model sport cu doua locuri.
       Construita de concernul Daimler-Benz AG, modelul de serie cu motor cu injectie de combustibil, a fost construit pe platforma modelului de curse  din 1952 - Mercedes-Benz 300SL (W194), un model de succes, dar mai putin performant, cu motor cu carburator.
       Indicativul "300" se refera la motorul de 3 litri, iar SL vine de la "Sport Leicht" (Sport Light). Modelul 300SL e binecunoscut pentru usile care se deschid asemeni unor aripi de pescarus, si ca fiind prima masina din lume cu motor cu injectie de combustibil, si ca cea mai rapida din lume masina a timpurilor sale. Versiunea "gull wing" a fost disponibila din 1955 pana in 1957, roadster-ul din 1957 pana in 1963. Modelul a fost urmat de Mercedes-Benz 230SL. 
      Macheta este produsa de IXO pentru Mercedes Collection. Așa cum deja suntem obișnuiti, chiar daca este un produs de revista, modelul respectă destul de bine toate detaliile de la mașină reală. Chiar și interiorul este detaliat, aparatura de bord fiind redata prin decal-uri, și cu o frumoasă culoare roșu-cărămiziu.

      The Mercedes-Benz 300SL was the first iteration of the SL-Class grand tourer convertibles and fastest production car of its day. Internally numbered W198, it was introduced in 1954 as a two-seat sports car.
      Built by Daimler-Benz AG, the fuel-injected production model was based on the company's highly successful yet somewhat less powerful carbureted 1952 race car, the Mercedes-Benz 300SL (W194).
      The "300" in its name referred to its three litre engine displacement, and "SL" stood for "Sport Leicht" (Sport Light). The 300SL was best known for its distinctive gull wing doors, first-ever consumer fuel-injection, and world's fastest top speed. The gull wing version was available from March 1955 to 1957, the roadster from 1957 to 1963. It was followed in the Mercedes line by the 230SL.
      The model car is made by IXO for Mercedes Collection. As we already are accustomed, even it is a magazine product, the model respects quite well all details from the real car. Even the interior is detailed with the dashboard made by decals, and with a nice brick-red colour.

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