sâmbătă, 20 iulie 2013

MERCEDES  170V - W136 (1952)

Amercom - Taksówki Świata

      Mercedes-Benz W136 este numele preluat de la numarul platformei de lucru, si sub care masina este destul de frecvent denumita, insa modelul introdus la inceputul anului 1936 a fost cunoscut sub numele de Mercedes-Benz 170V. A inlocuit modelul in 6 cilindri  Mercedes-Benz W15, care, la timpul lui, a fost cunoscut tot sub numele de Mercedes-Benz 170. Desi avea aceeasi capacitate cilindrica de 1,7 litri, motorul in 4 cilindri al noii masini era mult mai puternic. Tehnic dar si stilistic, motorul era mult mai modern dar si putea fi vandut la un pret mai mic. Dupa 1936 s-au construit peste 75.000 de unitati, facand ca acesta sa fie cel mai popular model Mercedes-Benz pana in acel moment.
      "V"- ul din numele 170V, era o prescurtare de la "Vorn" (in fata) si diferentia masina de modelul contemporan Mercedes-Benz 170H (la care "H"-ul venea de la "Heck" - in spate) care folosea acelasi motor de 1697 cc, dar pozitionat in spatele masinii.
      Puterea maxima a masinii era de 38 CP (28 kW) la 3400 rpm, folosind un raport de compresie de 6:1. Consumul de combustibil al acestui motor era de mai putin de 10 litri la 100 km.
      Macheta face parte din colectia Taxi din Polonia si reproduce un model de taxi ce deservea Berlinul, in 1952. Destul de multe detalii pentru o macheta low-cost, printre care as aminti bare cromate, numere de inmatriculare, antena si retrovizoare exterioara, roata de rezerva, logo-ul imprimat pe capacele rotilor. De asemeni, interiorul este corect reprodus, in culoarea neagra (culoare care a fost si pe masina reala). O macheta la un pret mic, care merita avuta in colectie.


      Mercedes-Benz W136 is the name, using the manufacturer's works number, under which the car is frequently known in retrospect, but the car introduced early in 1936 was known as the Mercedes-Benz 170V. It replaced the six cylinder Mercedes-Benz W15, which at the time had also been known as the Mercedes-Benz 170. Despite having a similar engine capacity of 1.7 litres, the new car's four cylinder unit was more powerful. Technically and stylistically it was far more modern and could be sold at a lower price. After 1936 over 75,000 were built making it by far the most popular Mercedes-Benz model up till that point.
      The "V" in the 170V's name was short for "Vorn" (front) and differentiated the car from the contemporary Mercedes-Benz 170H (where "H" was short for "Heck" or rear) which used the same four cylinder 1697cc engine, but positioned at the back of the car.
      Claimed maximum power output was 28 kW (38 PS) at 3400 rpm, using a compression ratio (during the car's early years) of 6:1. The side-valve four cylinder engine consumed fuel at the rate of less than 10 litres per 100 kilometres.
      The model is part of the Taxi Collection from Poland  and reproduces a model of taxi that served in Berlin in 1952. Enough details for a low-cost model, among which I can mention  chromed bars, license platesantenna and exterior mirrors, spare tire, logo printed on wheel covers. Also, the interior is correctly reproduced in black color (color that was on the real car also). A model at a low price that deserves to be collected.

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