duminică, 28 iulie 2013

MERCEDES  ML 500 (W164) - 2005

IXO/Mercedes Collection

      Mercedes-Benz M-Class Este un SUV de clasa mijlocie, care a fost produs pentru prima data in 1997, de catre constructorul german Mercedes-Benz. Treptat, M-Class a devenit un succes in S.U.A. si Mexic. Ca dimensiuni, masina se plaseaza intre GLK-Class si GL-Class, cu care si imparte platforma. Pentru un timp scurt, intre 1999 si 2002, M-Class a fost construit si de Magna Steyr in Graz, Austria, pentru piata europeana, inainte ca productia acestuia sa fie complet mutata in Statele Unite, la fabrica de langa Vance, Alabama.
      Mercedes a lansat prima generatie de M-Class pe 19 februarie 1997, sub numele de cod W163.
      In aprilie 2005, a fost lansat un nou model de M-Class, restilizat, cu nume de cod W164, la Salonul Auto International Nord-American. Era un model aproape complet nou, cu un aspect mai sportiv si mai aerodinamic - coeficientul de rezistenta a aerului era scazut la 0,34. De asemeni, noua masina era mai mare (cu 150mm mai lunga decat vechiul model).

      Macheta, produsa de IXO pentru Mercedes Collection/Mercedes Sammlung, si este foarte bine realizata pentru o macheta de revista. Faruri din plastic transparent, lampile spate bicolore, Scutul frontal foarte realist redat, stergatoare aplicate. Si interiorul este detaliat si de asemeni, conform modelelor reale - frumos colorat intr-o nuanta de maro-deschis.


      The Mercedes-Benz M-Class is a luxury midsize Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), first offered in 1997, and built by the German automaker Mercedes-Benz.  Gradually, the M-Class became a sales success in the United States and Mexico. In terms of size, it is slotted in between the smaller GLK-Class (based on the C-Class) and the larger GL-Class, with which it shares platforms. For a short time, between the years 1999 and 2002, the M-Class was also built by Magna Steyr in Graz, Austria, for the European market, before all production moved to the U.S. plant near Vance, Alabama.
      Mercedes-Benz launched the first generation W163 series M-Class on February 19, 1997.
      The redesigned M-class (chassis name W164) was introduced in April 2005 after a showing at the North American International Auto Show in January. It was almost entirely new, with a more sporting, aerodynamic look—the coefficient of drag is down to 0.34. Mercedes-Benz has also made the new M-Class larger, measuring 150 mm longer than the first model.
      The model is produced by IXO Mercedes Collection / Sammlung Mercedes, and is very well done for a magazine product. Transparent plastic headlights, tail lights bicolor, very realistic frontal shield, windshield wipers applied. The interior is detailed and also, according to real models - beautifully colored in a shade of light brown.

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