duminică, 21 iulie 2013

MERCEDES  200 D - W123 (1976)

White Box

      W123 este denumirea interna data sasiului folosit de Mercedes-Benz pentru linia de automobile executive construite intre 1976 si 1985.
      Modelele W123 au depasit predecesoarele lor - W114 si W115, ca fiind cele mai de succes modele, vanzandu-se 2,7 milioane de unitati, pana la inlocuirea cu modelul W124, dupa 1985. 
      Ca de obicei, denumirea modelelor era legata de marimea si tipul motoarelor, si de tipul sasiului:

  • C for Coupé
  • L for Long-wheelbase
  • T for Touring
  • D for Diesel,
  • E for Einspritzung (injectie)

  • Productia acestor modele s-a incheiat in ianuarie 1986. Cele mai populare modele au fost 240D (455,000 unitati), 230E (442,000 unitati) si 200D (378,000 unitati).

          Macheta este produsa de White Box, si este una din machetele din colectia mea pe care le apreciez enorm. Pot fi subiectiv, insa eu nu-i gasesc nici un cusur. Sunt prea multe de enumerat, asa ca nu isi au rostul. Asemanarea cu masina reala este mare - fotografiile spun tot. Mai ales ca, si culoarea machetei a existat pe multe modele 1:1.


          W123 is the internal chassis-designation Mercedes-Benz used for their executive line of cars, manufactured between 1976 and 1985.
          The W123 models surpassed their predecessor, the W114 and W115 models, as the most successful Mercedes, selling 2.7 million cars before replacement by the W124 after 1985.
          As usual, model names were related to engine sizes, type of engine and chassis type:
    • C for Coupé
    • L for Long-wheelbase
    • T for Touring (estate/station wagon)
    • D for Diesel,
    • E for Einspritzung (fuel injection)
          W123 production ended in January, 1986. Most popular single models were the 240D (455,000 built), the 230E (442,000 built) and the 200D (378,000 built).
          The model is produced by White Box, and is one of the models in my collection that I mostly appreciate I might be subjective, but I did not find any defects. There are too many good things to be  listed,  so it don't make sense. Simillarity with the real car is great - the photos can say it all. Especially that, the color  used existed on many models 1:1.

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