duminică, 21 iulie 2013

MERCEDES  220 SE - W111 (1959)

Mercedes Sammlung/IXO

      Mercedes-Benz W111 a fost numele de cod al sasiului versiunii de top a Mercedes, ce includea si un sedan cu 4 usi, produs intre 1959 si 1968. Initial, codul W111 a fost atribuit doar modelului echipat cu motor in 6 cilindri, de 2,2 litri.
      Productia de serie a sedanului in 4 usi a inceput in august 1959, masina fiind prezentata la Salonul Auto din Frankfurt, in toamna aceluiasi an. Seria a constat din 3 modele - 220b, 220Sb, si 220SEb. Acestea, inlocuiau modelele ponton sedan 219 W105,  220S W180 si 220SE W128.
      Indicativul SE:
"S" = "Sonderklasse" sau Clasa Speciala pentru modele de top.
"E" = "Einspritzung" - indica faptul ca masina era echipata cu motor be benzina, cu injectie.
      In vara anului 1965 a fost stopata productia acestui model, o data cu lansarea noului model Mercedes-Benz W108 sedan. Productia totala a modelului 220SEb a fost de 65.886 unitati.
      Macheta provine din colectia "Mercedes Sammlung" lansata in Germania si este produsa de IXO. Chiar daca este tot un model de revista, este mult peste machetele prezentate de mine anterior. Pe langa elementele cromate, se pot observa multe alte detalii care dau valoare machetei. Farurile, cere au oglinda in interior (la care insa se vad niturile), stopurile din plastic transparent bicolor, grila frontala bine realizata si echipate cu logo-ul Mercedes fotodecupat. Interiorul si bordul sunt bine detaliate, culoarea tapiseriei fiind gri-bazalt, bine aleasa, in ton cu caroseria, vopsita bicolor.

      The Mercedes-Benz W111 was a chassis code given to its top-range vehicles, including 4-door sedans, produced from 1959 to 1968. The W111, was initially attributed only to 6-cylinder cars with 2.2-litre engines.
      Series production of the 4-door sedan began in August 1959, and the car was premiered at the Frankfurt Auto Show in autumn.  The series consisted of three models the 220b, 220Sb, and the 220SEb. These replaced the 219 W105, the 220S W180 and the 220SE W128 Ponton sedans respectively.

"S" = "Sonderklasse" or "Special class" for flagship models.
"E" = "Einspritzung" - indicates the vehicle's engine is equipped with petrol fuel  injection.

      In summer 1965, production was terminated in launch of the new Mercedes-Benz W108 sedan. A total production of  220SEb was   - 65,886 units.

      The model is part of the "Mercedes Sammlung" Collection, released in Germany and is produced by IXO. Even if it is also a magazine model, it has more quality than the models previously presented by me. In addition to the chrome elements, it can be seen many details that gives value to the model. Headlampswith interior mirror (on which however you can see rivets), bicolor transparent plastic taillights, front grid well prepared and  equipped with Mercedes logo photo-cut. The interior and dashboard are well detailed and upholstery's color is gray-bazalt, well chosencombined with the bicolor body-painting.

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